I remember the duplicity in the creative art world... be it the music industry or movie in Hollywood... there was always an air of mistrust... it was the proverbial feeling of crabs in a bucket... we'd go to a diner and have incredible service save but for the fact we looked like rock and roll royalty... but in reality it was only dressing for what we loved to wear... and we carried no pretense... that was the shock to many we did meet... when some found we were of new use to their pursuit of self aggrandisement they soon became aloof and disengaged... whether it be a server or a doorman or a cashier at a local store... the whole scene was one big hustle... and the constant question of who was better and best... I found refuge in knowing I had nothing to offer these future celebs and or wannabes... but what it felt like is that it was all predicated on lies... there were the few artists of note that were completely genuine... but theirs was won after years of distilling down self to what really mattered... and that was a love of the process... the art itself... the journey... to self discovery and eventually to healing... even in the middle of the mechanism that is show biz... but the word that comes to mind is duplicity... deceit... the uninitiated trying desperately to be something that they are not while the industry clamouring for real humanity to showcase only to bastardize into something of a plastic nature... a replica of what the naivety may have been and the flavour of the day may have originally been... trends... trends... trends... so it crawls upon this conscious to remind self that art is not for consumption... I do not believe it ever was... it is for challenging the heart... to love self... to pursue glimpses of true humanity and to allow safe space to heal... it is an invitation to a journey to the soul of the artist themselves... it is a life challenge to move towards utter vulnerability... of truth... of the purity of the soul... no duplicity... just laid bare... and no apologies... and mountainous spiritual challenge... but these are the ones that last in the fabric of time... whatever the artform... a movement forward to Spirit and the art as a snapshot of that movement... captivating in all its humanity...
