“In the moment there is movement” - Brander Raven Feb 2024

In the moment there is movement… vibrations never ending washings upon the memories… carving and giving reconstruction to energies past… nuanced is their rediscovery… and the emotion lingering like an umbilical chord that needs to be placed into earth like the sacred protocol of ages… so that earth remembers and reconstitutes change and rebirth… and calls back to place… and flickering between the arts of passage is the vacillations and the sanctity… in and out of the moment… trying not to watch the self in movement but the fluidity of wavelike energy towards becoming… transforming in constant flow to understanding of finding the spaces between the horshit of duality… the grey between light and dark… the neutral place of both and… both and… both and… neither past nor future but both and… some call present… between self and other… between Spirit and corporeal… between stagnation and movement… the inbetween… the yes and the no… the fallen and the angelic… the matter and the spirit… caught in the in between to be transformed… the shore and the waves… the hands to hands… eyes to eyes… the breath to breath… the seeking knowledge to knowing… the inbetween of mystic to senses’ perception… to grasping to letting go… to falling and to soaring above… it's in the moments… holding to space within that moment… between the dynamics of movement and the urge to move away from stagnation… the planting of seed to the rebirth and sprouting of dream… It's in the movement away from paradigm and comparisons and competition with self and other… to urging the sense of presence with the in between… where spirit becomes matter and matter challenges assumptions of spirit… where love lives… in the mist of uncertainty in conjunction to vulnerability… In the moment there is always movement
